What’s in your suitcase?
Are you a light packer, necessities only, or are you sitting on your luggage forcing the zipper closed?
Throughout our lives we all encounter experiences that we tend to label “good” or “bad” etc. A lot of the time we tend to carry around this “baggage” of our negative experiences because of how they impacted our lives. Almost like, I can’t let go of this because I have to make sure it never happens again – when in reality, by feeding the momentum of that energy it gets you the exact opposite – more of what you DON’T want!
When we hold onto these labels and false stories through a limited perspective we begin to project them into our future & alter our reactions to present experiences – thus creating a low energy vibration. When you learn to integrate life’s lessons without labels you become free to experience the present for what it truly is & look ahead to the future, free of false narratives and external expectations.
Are you ready to unpack your bags?!?
Take inventory to sort through the outdated stuff you need to ditch and to realize what best serves you now & where you want to head.